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31 Tips & Gardening Techniques

One growing tip per day.
by Pierre-Marc de Champlain, Supervisor Technical Services

Tip no1

Choose Your Growing Substrate

Choose your growing substrate according to the variety

Tip no2

Choose Your Growing Substrate

Choose your growing substrate according to the growth stage.

Tip no3

Adjust the Water Content

Adjust the water content of your growing media to 55-60% before potting.

Tip no4

Choose Your Growing Substrate

Choose your growing substrate according to the type of container used.

Tip no5

Choose Your Growing Substrate

Choose your growing substrate according to your irrigation method.

Tip no6

Add Small Doses of Fertilizer

Add frequent small doses of fertilizer for a better control of your production.

Tip no7

Reduce Your Energy Costs

Reduce your energy costs by optimizing your air circulation system.

Tip no8

Reduce Your Need for Chemical Treatments

Reduce your need for chemical treatments by implementing efficient cleaning and desinfecting procedures.

Tip no9

Increase Spacing

Increase spacing between plants can help reduce stretching.

Tip no10

Keep a Detailed Register

Keep a detailed register of everything you do to optimize your production techniques.

Tip no11

Leach out Your Growing Media

Don’t forget to leach out your growing media occasionally during production to avoid salts build-ups.

RMK/La Huerta

Tip no12

Keep Your Greenhouse Covers Clean

Keep your greenhouse covers clean to get the maximum out of the natural light of the sun.

Tip no13

Limit the Phosphorus Content

Limit the phosphorus content of your substrate to control the height of your seedlings.

Tip no14

Control DIF Temperature

Use DIF temperature control to reduce your PGR needs.

Tip no15

Reduce Your Energy Costs

Reduce your energy costs by improving the insulation of your infrastructures.

Tip no16

Order Your Material in Advance

Order your material in advance. Bad weather can delay your delivery.

Tip no17

Avoid Compacting Substrate

Avoid compacting the substrate in your containers to optimize porosity and yield.

Tip no18

Manage the Weeds

Manage the weeds around your greenhouse to avoid contaminations in your containers.

Tip no19

Keep the Filters of Your Heating Unit Clean

Keep the filters of your heating unit clean to make sure the fuel is burning efficiently.

Tip no20

Get Your Materials from Reputable Sources

Get your materials from reputable sources. This will help you avoid costly, unnecessary problems.

Tip no21

Check Your Root System Regularly

Check your root system regularly. Root damage often appears before foliage symptoms.

Tip no22

Take the Time to Look at the Root System

Take the time to look at the root system of your crops. Root health is a good indicator of the overall health of the crop.

Tip no23

Use a Very Porous Mix

If you have the tendency to overwater, use a very porous mix that will be more forgiving.

Tip no24

Verify Your Nozzles

Verify your nozzles regularly; damaged nozzles can lead to irregular irrigation patterns.

Tip no25

Control Your pH

The pH of your water has no effect on the pH of the substrate. It’s the alkalinity of your water and the type of fertilizer you use that will have an effect on substrate pH.

Tip no26

Control Your pH

A deficiency isn’t always caused by lack of nutrients the pH of the substrate can affect the availability of nutrients.

Tip no27

Test Your Water Frequently

Test your water frequently, at different moments in the year. Seasonal variations can have a huge impact on water quality.

Tip no28

Analyse the E.C.

Collect and analyze the E.C. of your run-off water after a fertilization to estimate the quantity of fertilizer you could be saving.

Tip no29

A Source of Calcium

Gypsum has little to no effect on mix pH. It is added to peat based substrates as a source of calcium.

Tip no30

Choose Your Growing Substrate

Choose your growing substrate according to meteorological conditions.

Tip no31

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